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Quote about Relationship

Relationship is like a gift from santa claus

Maybe you only get a little dino doll,
when the other kids got a big water gun

But I love my little dino doll

Jonathan Reginald

Lomba Logo BEJ

This is my another entry for logo competition. The Stock Exchange of Indonesia

Event ini diselenggarakan setelah Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya bergabung menjadi Bursa Efek Indonesia.

Kids Educational Website

My college assignment to make a kids educational website. My website is about butterfly and frog meta morph.

Tugas website mata kuliah New Media 1, website pendidikan anak.

Saya membuat website pendidikan anak tentang metamorfosis kupu-kupu dan kodok.

Redhouse Textile Website

This is my e-business website project.

My business name is Redhouse Textile, We're selling textile product.

CD Cover

CD front cover for my college assignment about movie.

Tugas Audio Visual 2, cover CD untuk film tugas akhir.

8 Year Anniversary DNA

This is a invitation card which I made for my church 8 years anniversary. I design the brochure with some dynamic and mobile essence, so I created some stick man in moving position. Please look below for it final looks after folded.

Ini adalah invitation card yang saya buat untuk ulang tahun youth gereja saya.

Konsepnya saya ingin menggambarkan sesuatu yang dinamis dan mobile, jadi saya membuat stickman dalam posisi yang dinamis yang sedang bergerak.

Cara melipatnya sedemikian rupa sehingga anda harus melihat semua gambar putih baru gambar hitam terlihat terakhir.

This is how it folded looks like. So the stick man in motion will be viewed one-by-one then the black at last.

Itulah cara melipatnya, sehingga dalam keadaan tertutup rapi, yang terlihat adalah gambar putih diatas

Self-Promotion Card

Business is like a plant,
which will grow if it gets enough nutrition to grow.

Design is like a nutrition,
great result comes whenever it's right.

- Jonathan Reginald

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